Centre for Geopolitical Analysis
Archeron Group as a part of its corporate social responsibility has established this unique policy analysis think-tank in New Delhi, India. The objective of this think-tank is to generate open-source reports for consumption by one and all with an interest in geopolitics. Our think-tank focuses on really critical topics of the day which we feel are crucial for our national security.

Financial Counter Intelligence and FDI inflow monitoring
Using open source published data and tallying the FDI inflow with the current laws in India, we will be mapping out the FDI flow matrix on an annual basis.

Disruptive Technology Evaluation in Military and Intelligence
The objective is to evaluate all the emerging technologies which we feel have potential to enhance our military and intelligence capabilities.

Energy Security
Using publicly published energy data, we will be monitoring and evaluating the energy security landscape of India.

Financial Terrorism
In today’s digital payments world, financial terrorism has metamorphosized and integrated with cybercrime and international money transfer. Hence, it is imperative that we keep upgrading our analysis tool kit with methodologies for detecting such activities. The objective is to create new mathematical, statistical, and machine learning frameworks which can identify such transactions from a large stack of other similar legitimate transactions.

Geo Political Strategies
Geo political strategies are an amalgamation of multiple aspects which include foreign policy, military and intelligence, economic activities, and many other nuanced avenues. Our think-tank generates on an annual basis new geopolitical strategies, we believe India should be deploying in the coming years based on the global changes which have occurred in the preceding year.

IOR Varchaswa
Indian Ocean Region is of tremendous importance to India in both military and economic domain. Our objective is to map collaboration ecosystem in the Indian Ocean Region which will ensure the safety of commercial vessels in the Indian Ocean Region which includes strategies on how to deal with piracy.

Internal Security of India
Internal security today consists of a large ecosystem where threats are present both in physical and cyber domain. The annual report published by our think-tank will identify the top 10 internal security issues faced by India during the current and following 3 years and suggest if possible suitable counter measure tactics.

International Crime and Cyber Crime
Today, crime especially in cyber domain is a transnational activity. Hence, newer and more robust international collaboration frameworks must be explored and implemented for tackling such issues. The role of the think-tank is also to publish various new forms of cyber threat and attacks which we have seen emerged each year.

Remote Sensing
Use of remote sensing assets in the open source domain for providing analysis. There are a multitude of solutions possible using remote sensing such as monitoring of shipping and maritime economic activity in the Indian Ocean along with mapping the annual ecological damage as a couple of examples.

Grey Zone Warfare
The objective of the grey zone warfare paradigm is to control the escalation matrix and not let it convert it into a full scale conflict. Grey zone warfare includes an integration of many unconventional paradigms.