Real Estate Exchange
Nearly every physical asset and commodity on this planet has been digitized and quantified for sale on a global exchange/platform right from precious metals, crude to even weather.
Yet real estate and its analogous unit i.e., per square foot/meter of built-up area has not been digitized and commodified. The most recent innovations in this space include at the most is REIT.
We are in talks with regulators in multiple jurisdictions to establish the World’s First real estate exchange which allows the user’s to trade in per square foot/meter area. One of the reasons that this is possible is due to the advancements in the field of AI as we all know that real estate is a highly subjective market and hence finding a mathematical unification and comparison framework for listing and trading of real estate asset was not possible without Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.
The objective is to launch this platform/exchange in 2021.
For more details, please feel free to contact us at with the subject line as REX.